Thursday, April 8, 2010

Puppy chow

Large rice or corn chex cereal
1 box Golden Grahams cereal
1 lb coconut (opt)
1 lb slivered or sliced almonds (opt)
3 cubes margarine
2 cups white kayro syrup
2 cups sugar
1 bag tiny baking m&m's

1. In a large bowl mix together chex cereal, golden grahams, coconut and almonds.
2. Cook together margarine, kayro syrup, and sugar. Bring to a boil and let boil for 3 mins.
3. Pour over cereal mixture and mix together
4. Let dry on wax paper
5. Sprinkle with tiny baking m&m's

tip: wait for it to cool before you sprinkle with m&m's

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